Free the Captives’ Mommy and Me group is for moms and their kiddos! We are a group of moms with babies and toddlers who want to fight teenage human trafficking in Houston. We meet once every two months to let the kids play and work on different Free the Captives’ anti-trafficking initiatives! Come have some coffee and get to know other moms who have heart for helping our teen trafficking survivors.
Our next meeting is January 20, 2017, Friday, at 10am at a 2nd Cup, 1111 East 11th Street, Houston, TX 77009. We will be doing baby yoga so please bring your yoga mat. It will be fun! There is no cost.
We will also be collecting items to create Valentine gift bags for our girls. Please email if you would like more information on volunteering to bring little gift items for the bags on Jan. 20.
Please RSVP for this free event. We look forward to meeting you and your little one!